Thursday, September 3, 2009

1st Day of School

Walker Started Pre-K yesterday. He has been wanting to go for a very long time and the day finally came. He was so excited! He had so many questions before he went but couldn't wait to get there. I think it is going to be a great year. He has 10 boys in his class and 3 girls, I guess the boys will rule!!


monica said...

Oh so fun!! I so wish he & Nathaniel were closer and could join ME!! And by the way....I have 9 girls and 3 boys, yikes~ It's loud...and dramatic he he he..... They are all blond other than 2 and 8 kids (including a little guy) in my class have names that end in ie or y. It's a hoot!! They are so fun though. I have Chad Cannon's little girl if you remember him and Laura Black Schell's little girl if you remember her, she was friends with Amy.

Laura Ripley said...

Wow! Is he big enough to go to school? He is going to do great and it will give you some one-on-one time with Reece. Can you believe how fast time flies. One day your at home trying your best to keep them entertained and the next thing you know there off to school.(sniff, sniff)

Kristen O'Kelley said...

Thanks for my can steal my dress idea for Reese because I stole the idea too from online!