Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa!

Ma and Papa came to visit this weekend. This past Tuesday was Papa's 60th birthday so me and walker decided we would have him a little party. Walker is at that age where he loves birthday parties and he also loves to make cakes. So this was a perfect time for both. We made him a chocolate cake and walker got to put on his favorite...sprinkles!
Walker could not wait till after school on Friday to have the party so first thing that morning we surprised papa with a cake and a blackberry bush for him! Papa loves to grow stuff in his garden and walker loves to help! Happy Birthday Papa...We love you!


monica said...


I was asking your Mom about you today, were you all ready for another little one to arrive! She said she can't wait and will head up the second she gets the word!! :) Good luck, prayers for a speedy delivery!!