Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Time

It is that time of year again! The crops are ready and we have been a pickin! We have been very blessed to have so many farmers in our church that open up their gardens to us. This year we have already put up over 200 ears of corn, 2 and 1/2 bushels of field peas, 7 jars of snap beans, a bucket of sweet peas, and 2 buckets of red new potatoes. Yum Yum... I love fresh veggies. Our garden has been a little slower but we are getting some squash, tomatoes, and some beautiful watermelons. I love watching it all grow!!
Our first day of corn, half creamed, half on the cob!
Wayne and Walker blanching the corn!

Reese loves the corn!

Silking the corn!