Saturday, July 3, 2010

VBS 2010

CSI:The Case of the empty Tomb
This years VBS was about Christ Seeking Individuals! It was set up like a lab that we investigated the empty tomb. We have a missionary that comes to teach us. This is her third year coming to our church and she is awesome. She really knows how to grab the kids attention and keep it.

I was in charge of crafts this year so for one of our projects we made Tye- dye shirts. We had t-shirts made up with our theme on it and the kids got to dye them. They loved it!!

At the end of each night in the closing ceremony Ms. Jane would pick someone who could say their memory verse and they would get to take her sword and chop a squash. Walker got to do it one night and was so happy! He worked so hard all week on his verses!