8 years ago
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ivy at 2 Weeks old!
My older sister Amy came into town yesterday to see Ivy and took some pictures for me. She did a great job and I love the pics! Ivy is two weeks old and now weighs 7 lbs 5 oz! She is a sweet baby girl!!

Posted by cathy at 2:51 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Coming Home!
Walker and Reese couldn't come to the hospital to see Ivy so they didn't get to hold her till we got home on Thursday. As soon as we walked in the door their eyes lit up! They were so excited! Walker had been waiting for months to hold her. He would ask "When is baby Ivy going to pop out!" Reese just loves babies and couldn't wait to get her hands on her.
Posted by cathy at 1:57 PM 0 comments
She's Here!!
Ivy Marie Meadows was born on March 10th at 2:48 in the morning! She weighed 7lbs 13 oz and was 20in long. She has long fingers and toes and a little bit of black hair!
The Labor story...
Monday morning I woke up having contractions thinking this was the day. They were about every 10min so I stayed around the house packing my bag waiting on them to get closer. Well hours went by and they never got closer. So we went to the office to get things checked out. I was still 3cm the same as I had been. I went home took some ibuprofen and went to bed. Slept great! Tuesday we went back to the office b/c they wanted to see me again. Nothing changed but they set me up an induction. I really didn't want the induction and prayed really hard that I would go into labor. That night I told Wayne he could go to Raleigh to eat with a friend from Seminary, that I didn't think labor was in my future. He went and Me and Wayne's mom took Walker to soccer practice. I walked the track hoping something would kick in. Well, what do you know but after we got home I was rocking Reese to sleep and my Contractions started up again. And this time they were 3 min apart. I called Wayne and told him it was time. He was about an hour and 1/2 away. I was really scared b/c my labors go really fast, and once he made it home we still had a 45min drive to the hospital. Wayne took off and every 5 min I was calling him asking him where he was. On the way home he did get stopped by a cop but the cop let him go, I couldn't believe it. You would think the cops are tired of that story...My wife is in labor!! To make a long story short we made it to the hospital just in time to get an epidural and a new smile. Everything was wonderful. I praise God that he put me in labor and brought a healthy baby girl to us. Ivy is wonderful and we Love her very much.
Posted by cathy at 12:46 PM 2 comments
Last moments...
The above shot is just after getting a wonderful epidural. I couldn't feel a thing. If I needed to move my legs, Wayne had to do it for me!
Posted by cathy at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Game Time
Walker had his first soccer game today! He was so cute and played real hard. I was very proud of him!
Posted by cathy at 5:32 PM 0 comments
More Snow!
I had to post our third snow for the season. I didn't take many pictures this time due to the fact that I am getting pretty tired of all the snow. But Walker loves it and loves to get out in it and play. Reese also loves it but once she gets out in it she just stands there.
Our biggest snowman yet! I think we are getting better with each snow storm! Wayne says he is waving at the cars that go by!
Posted by cathy at 2:22 PM 0 comments
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