Sunday, July 27, 2008


Walker had Vacation Bibls School on saturday. Our church did somthing different this year and just did an all day VBS on saturday and not have it all week. It turned out great. The theme was GOD ALWAYS WINS! I had the 4 and 5 year olds. Walker was to young but wanted to stay with me. He did a good job. He loved being apart of all the activites.

This morning in church the children sang the songs they learned in bible school. Walker was so cute. He really didn't know the words to the songs but acted like he did. He tried really hard. He smiled, tapped his foot and did all the hand motions. I was so proud of him; especially since this was his first time singing in church.


Summer Pendley said...

Hey Cathy,

I came across your blog from Kristen O'Kelley's blog, and wanted to congratulate you on having a girl soon! Aimee Thurmond told me awhile back...your family pic on your blog's header is BEAUTIFUL!

I just noticed that you live in the Wake Forest area in N.C. I actually was born and raised in Winston Salem. That's so neat.

Anyway, hope you are well!