Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Five Months

Ivy is now Five months old. She is growing and growing. She weighed 13 pounds at the doctors office on Friday when she went in due to an ear infection. She is still very spoiled. The doctor told me I had to start putting her down a little more so that she can strengthen her motor skills. She is trying real hard to roll over and is now holding her head up a lot better. Ivy is also a big drool box, I have to keep a bib on her just like we had to do for walker. She is also sleeping through the night- that makes us all happy!! She is a sweet blessing in our lives!!

Reese loves her little sister!! We call Reese Little mama because she is always trying to help with Ivy. She tries to feed her, burp her, bring her toys and will cover up with blankets. She loves to do things for her!