Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our Day

Well, I am not sure what to say about this afternoon. Walker's friend from next door had come over to play. They are usually really loud and I am always calming them down. Today was a lot different. The boys got real quit for a long time back in the back guest bedroom. I went back to check on them and they had built a masterpiece on the bed. They had taken every pillow from my bed, walker's bed, and the guest bed and piled them high on the guest bed. Then they had taken Walker's blankets and books and had started putting them on top. They were having a blast!! I went back and sat down for a little bit with Reese and then after a while decided to go back and check on them again. I found them behind their masterpiece coloring themselves with markers. What do you say?! They were having a good time. So I took them outside and told them they could get it off by playing on the slip-n-slide! How much more fun could they have.
Next it was Reese's turn. I turned away for one minute and she had jumped into the mud puddle. She was all smiles! With mud that is!!

Their Masterpiece!